Scientific Poster , Oncology , Clinical Pharmacology

AAPS 2019 Poster: Applications and Benefits of Healthy Volunteer Trials to Accelerate Oncology Drug Development

4 November 2019

Download our poster from AAPS 2019 titled, 'Applications and Benefits of Healthy Volunteer Trials to Accelerate Oncology Drug Development.'

Presented at AAPS 2019: Phase I drug development for oncology compounds is traditionally conducted directly in patient populations. Oncology molecules have historically been cytotoxic, meaning their safety and risk-benefit profile makes them unviable for dosing in healthy subjects. While this ensures reduced nonclinical requirements, rapid access to patient data, and an earlier assessment of efficacious potential, it can also present challenges. For example, patients recruited in Phase I trials typically are in end-of-life care and will be taking multiple co-medications and have multiple co-morbidities (e.g. liver and kidney function may vary greatly among the recruited subjects). Practically, recruiting patients into Phase I studies can also be problematic, requiring multiple clinical sites and protracted recruitment times for what would traditionally be a single site, quickly recruited healthy volunteer studies.

4 November 2019