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Investigating multi-dimensional problems in drug substance

Gareth Jenkins and Paul Quigley shared their insight into the importance of investigations during drug substance development in a recent article with Chemistry World

As an integrated drug substance developer, Quotient Sciences has the ability to solve the complex problems that its customer face. As an industry we are seeing an influx of complex compounds identified during drug discovery that create greater challenges than ever before. In order to enable new ways to rapidly bring new drugs to market, contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMO's) are increasingly being sought to consult on or investigate solutions to these challenges.

Quotient Sciences' scientific experts in Alnwick and at our other UK & US locations work as detectives in drug development. By working together and cutting through silo's we are experts at solving any challenges relating to scalability, efficiency and economy.

Finding solutions to the biggest challenges faced during drug substance development relies on properly integrating analytical and production expertise.

The article, featured in the Chemistry Detectives issue, explores how solutions are found to enhance scalability, efficiency and economy. It provides details on how metabolic and pharmacokinetic studies are used to determine drug compound fate and how our solid-state team investigates physical forms. You can also learn about our use of synthetic biology to accelerate process development.

Read the full article on the Chemistry World website