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Mark Egerton featured in Pharma's Almanac roundtable article: What’s the key to being a leader in the industry?

In this roundtable with Pharma's Almanac, Mark Egerton, CEO of Quotient Sciences, answers the Question 'What’s the key to being a leader in the industry?

Featured Roundtable Interview with Mark Egerton, CEO of Quotient Sciences with Pharma's Almanac

Q: What’s the key to being a leader in the industry?

A: When I think about being a leader in our industry, I think about being a role model — one that inspires others to focus on the greater purpose that we serve and one who drives positive change. Developing new medicines with the potential to improve the quality of life for patients in need is an incredibly rewarding purpose and an important responsibility. This is why Quotient’s manifesto is focused on exactly that: “Molecule to Cure. FAST.”

The leaders that I admire have consistently had this focus at the front and center of their vision as their North Star. I’m fortunate to be surrounded every day by great leaders in Quotient and at our customers. Importantly, such leaders are not dictated by their position in an organizational hierarchy. They are colleagues that come from anywhere in the business and have the vision to deliver a real positive impact that is so powerful that it inspires those around them to mobilize and support. Strong leaders maintain that passion when things don’t always work out, which, unfortunately, we know happens all too frequently in drug development. But when it does work out, it’s an incredibly fulfilling experience.

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